About Hastings Airport Association:
The Hastings Airport Association was formed in 2015 by Hastings, Nebraska area pilots and aviation professionals who desired to be involved in the strategic direction of the airport, improve communication with the council, city, and tenants, and desire to make the airport a vibrant, friendly, and growing place.
The members of the Hastings Airport Association are advocates for the Hastings Municipal Airport. The association believes that improvement to the airport will come through positive advocacy and improving communication with all airport stakeholders.
The association meets monthly at noon on the first Friday of each month. Meeting are held at the airport terminal building and are open to anyone interested in aviation.
HAA has several goals:
Facilitate communication between the airport’s public owners, its stakeholders, and management, and be a voice of positive advocacy on behalf of the Hastings Municipal Airport
Educate the public and their representatives as to how their airport benefits the community
To be a source of knowledge on aviation common practices, regulation, and policies that airport management can use to enhance utilization of the Hastings Airport
Act as a leader and resource for aviation related tourism events and enhance the airports image as a positive gateway to the Hastings community
Encourage and educate pilots to work in a positive manner with airport management, owners, and the non-flying public and promote good neighbor policies for the surrounding community
Background and History:
Historical Tribune Articles
Hastings Airport no fly-by-night operation (Great Picture Gallery)
Hastings College graduate to perform at fly-in airshow 6/15/21
B-29 Superfortress to be centerpiece of Nebraska State Fly-In
Hastings Airport 1932
Hastings Airport 1938
FBO Building 1943
The current Hastings Municipal Airport (KHSI) was constructed as a permanent airfield in 1930. The large brick hanger we see today was constructed later that year, and a committee was named to handle the management of the new airfield. The airport was managed and funded through the political means of an airport authority until 2002, at which time the authority was disbanded and the airport was transferred to the City of Hastings.
There are currently 81 public use airports in Nebraska. The Hastings Municipal Airport has many unique physical characteristics that make it one of the most valuable airports in the state. Arguably the most important are the two runways totaling 10,950 feet which places it in the top 10 airports in the state for runway length.The runways are concrete which makes for high weight bearing capacity. Short of large commercial jet traffic, Hastings is able to handle nearly every airplane.
Hastings has several means of navigation and awareness including two pilot controlled lighted runways, a VOR station, lighted landing guidance (VASI), Several GPS and VOR guided instrument approaches into the airport, and automated weather reporting on the field. These assets are well maintained and are considered in excellent shape. Both major types of fuel, 100LL and JET A, are available via self-service pump and fuel truck and there is amble parking space.
Hastings is centrally located in the United States and its 1950’ elevation allows for good takeoff ability even on hot days. When a pilot is looking for a good place to land and refuel, Hastings Municipal Airport has every major asset already in place.